Friday, June 26, 2009

Huawei Showcase Ponsel Android

singapore - grant at the communicasia 2009 event , immoral the device merchant huawei china telecommunication origin manifest their android-based phone.immoral phone-call is called the most lasting battery in the range between android others.
Huawei mobile phone displays google-based operating system called android in the u8230 event at the communicasia 2009 singapore expo , immoral singapore , immoral 16-19 june 2009.immoral this smart phone is one of two mobile phones are introduced huawei in this event.
U8230 has a touch protect and qwerty keyboard.immoral dalamponsel in this software is already available google chrome to creep the web , immoral google map , immoral google search and google babble.
Android phone is similarly equipped with a 1500 mah battery.immoral this is utilised as the most lasting battery for mobile phones based upon android are currently upon the market.
Besides u8320 huawei similarly introduced a mobile phone c8000.immoral this phone has windows mobile operating system.immoral phone claimed to be able to play video files up to six or eight hours in sequence with a certain power settings.
The two latest mobile phones upon manifest huawei is not yet available commercially.immoral huawei plans akan cast them in the smart phone , immoral including two 'champion' it , immoral begin the moment half of 2009.